Whatsapp Introduces 3D Avatars as a Digital Version of Users

As already available on other meta platforms like Facebook and Instagram, 3D avatars are available on WhatsApp now. 

Before launching it in a full fledge, 3D avatars were tested on beta for months. 

With the launch of 3D avatars, Mark Zuckerberg’s words on Facebook read, “We’re bringing avatars to WhatsApp! Now you can use your Avatar as a sticker in chats. More styles are coming soon across all our apps.

You can use these personalized avatars as your profile photo or use them as stickers by leveraging 36 custom stickers with various emotions and actions. There will be no wonder if you find WhatsApp 3D avatars similar to those of Facebook, Instagram, Snap’s Bitmoji, or Apple’s Memoji stickers.

Enough about the announcement! Here’s how to create Avatar on WhatsApp:

Note: Ensure your WhatsApp is up-to-date.


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