Fast Google Adsense Approval for Blogger & Wordpress (2023)|How toMonetize Blogger With Adsense

So for the last 2 year, I’ve been making money with blogging And most of my money comes from Google Adsense is the same reason as standby. Google AdSense pays the most as compared to other ads network this is the reason why many of you want to monetize your website with Google AdSense getting Adsense approved is very simple.

If you follow some of the AdSense guidelines from the sample. So you get Adsense approval quickly. But in fact, a lot of new people are having a hard time with you getting Approved by Google Adsense. Because these people are not aware of these guidelines And I’ve been following those guidelines to this day And I have a lot of AdSense approvals with their help, I’m making money.

 If you also follow my personal guidelines Do you want to get approval?  So when I started blogging too So I also had problems in the early days Getting AdSense Approved Slowly as my experience grew And the things that are known Which is why AdSense is approved And what mistakes have we made?

 Due to this, we do not get AdSense approval I’m going to tell you everything If you follow them, you will get AdSense approval, And if you follow all my methods So you too can easily get AdSense approval And you will understand that if Google is telling you a problem then how you can solve this problem.

We are talking about the navigation of our website Or site under construction You will know all those things today And the way I am going to tell This will also work for the Same Blogger And for WordPress, the same thing will work So the platform you use These methods will work for both And by following these steps, you too can get AdSense approval. So our first method is

1. You Should buy a top-level domain

Now What is Top Level domain  Like ours .com .in .net .xzy  This is Top Level domain That you can buy from any provider. Now people make mistakes here. Here they go to  Free Domains. Which are all SubDomains. So there are such judo domains that it is very difficult to get the approval of AdSense.So you shouldn’t go there. The next guideline that follows is:

2. Setup Your Blog

You have to set up your blog, Even if you are a blogger, do it accordingly. if Even if there is a WordPress, do it accordingly. And when you’re set up. So if you are in WordPress So you have to do a Theme standby That Should be Colormag. So if you are putting a blogger on standby. What you have to do is Theme standby that Should be notable. And let me tell you something else here. And if you’re using Blogger, you’ll have a drawback. That is, you will only get one AdSense approval.

 Because Blogger knows you already have an Adsense account. So there you go already have an Adsense account  The error will come. But if you want a lot of AdSense approval like me, So for that you have to go to WordPress.Which is the best hosting for WordPress.That is hosting. Hosting You can get very good hosting for very little money. So all you have to do is set up your website once on WordPress or Blogger On top of whatever platform you use. And if you have trouble doing all these things.

So to know all this for that you can watch videos on my Youtube channel. So for that, you can watch videos on my channel. Now that you have set your Website, what is the next Guideline? that is

3. You Should Create a menu

Now many of you don’t even create the menu. Which makes them the navigational error. So you have to create a menu. One thing you need to keep in mind when it comes to creating menus. That is, all categories and important pages should be mentioned in your menu.

And the menu with the header just adds a compulsory. And there’s an optional in the footer. If you want to know, put it. If you don’t want to put it, you can’t put it. But the header Menu is very important, you have to put it.The next thing to add after the menu is:

4. Create policy pages

Like About us, Privacy policy, contact us. These three pages are very important. You have to create them. This is very important for AdSense approval. These are for AdSense approval only. They are not important. If you want to get approval from another website, they also check. So you have to create these three pages. It is very easy.

You can create these pages with the help of online websites. Now We Are moving To the Next Step…All you have to do now is to create categories. You can Create and take at least six to seven categories. If you exceed them, it has increased a lot.

There should be no more than that And one more thing as much as your categories Will do you create. They all have to be added to your menu. This thing is also very important. Because I’ve noticed that the more belly categories there are. The more chances there are of getting approval. So adding categories is also very simple.

Now that you’ve added categories, you no longer have to leave them blank. You have to add articles and articles to them. If I talk about it, you have to add at least 20-30 articles. If there is more than that, it is a great thing. If not so much You must post so many articles on your website. If the length of each article is above 1000 words, the fatigue is greatly increased. Don’t underestimate, write too much, two or three lines.

And one thing a lot of people here ask me to copy from here or post it on my website with this online tool article generator. So if you copy the article further then this thing may not work for you. But what will tell you is to write the Article yourself. And if you have a laptop then you are on your laptop to write an article or if you have one you can also write on your mobile.

If you do, you’ll have a better chance of getting AdSense approval. And many of you also ask the question of whether we should add pictures or not. So it is optional to add pictures. If you also want to add these Images, do not them from Google and add them to your website. You can make your own Good picture for free.

You can post your own images on your website. This is also a great option if you want to add it. If your heart does not remember, you cannot.  After doing all these things, your website is 100% ready For AdSense approval. Now you have to submit your website Index to the Google Search Console.

Once you’ve submitted your website to Google Search Console. Then you have to manually index your website in Google Console. You have access to all your articles and all your categories And all you have to do is index the page in the Google Console. It’s much easier to do all these things And it’s very important that you do it.

So as you submit your site, then your website is ready. You can then apply directly for AdSense approval. Now many of you here may ask the question of whether my website is one day old or two days old whether I should apply or not. So no matter how old your website is.

One day I got AdSense approval on an old website And I have also received AdSense approval on the year’s old website. It doesn’t matter as soon as your website is indexed manually in Google. You can then go directly to AdSense Approval and apply.

And if you follow all these steps, you will get one hundred percent approval from AdSense.And if you get approval, that’s great.

If you do not get the approval then bad luck. You have to re-apply directly. This is what I do but if you want to console your heart then you can re-apply your website after posting a couple of new articles on your website. And when you re-apply, you will get AdSense approval. So these are all the ones I follow if you follow all the steps too. So now you will get the approval of AdSense.

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