KL Rahul and Athiya Shetty will tie the knot on Monday, according to reports. The couple will reportedly get married at Suniel Shetty’s Khandala farm. While fans hope to get their hands on pictures of the wedding venue, Suniel Shetty gave fans a tour of the wedding venue last year.
While Vicky Kaushal’s leading man The Immortal Ashwatthama has been in the headlines for a long time, if a recent report from E-times is to be believed, the actor is now out of the film. Reportedly, despite Aditya Dhar wanting Govinda Naam Mera actor to be a part of his film, the producers “did not trust” the company. The entertainment portal also stated that the creators are already looking for Vicky’s replacement.
In the midst of a massive win at the 80th Golden Globes and a huge Oscar buzz, SS Rajamouli told The Hollywood Reporter: “I make movies for money, I make movies for the public. I don’t make movies for critical acclaim.” He too broke his silence on RRR’s snubbing as India’s official 2023 Oscar entry in the Best International Feature Film category at the 95th Academy Awards. The filmmaker confessed that it was “disappointing” that the film was not selected. However, Rajamouli added that he would not “reflect on why it didn’t happen.” He also showed his support for Chhello Show / The Last Film Show for being India’s official choice.
In addition to these, Charu Asopa congratulated her sister-in-law Sushmita Sen on buying a new car. Recently, Sushmita Sen took to her Instagram account and released a video announcing that she bought a new luxury car. Shortly after the video was shared, Charu took to the comments section and congratulated her ‘didi’. “Wow didi ❤️ congratulations ❤️,” she wrote herself. This comes months after Charu parted ways with Sushmita’s brother, Rajeev Sen.